Attention, Music Creatives!
What if you could produce professional sounding mixes that compete with today's chart topping hits?
NOW YOU CAN by using my mixing template system, because it produces great mixes automatically!
What people are saying about these amazing Mixing Templates...

Don't mix like a YouTuber. Mix like a MIX ENGINEER!
You’ve tried every mixing trick and hack that YouTube has to offer. You’ve started and stopped memberships, perhaps joined a mixing course or two, and possibly enrolled in higher education to improve your mixing skills.
But, the truth is, you just can’t seem to get the same results as you hear on the radio today. Perhaps you even feel like giving up on the idea of mixing at all. You feel like no matter what you try, your mixes just don’t compare to the professional sound you’re aiming for.
You could continue to spend more money on more plugins endorsed by more youtubers. But that amount of money can add up quickly with a negative return.
Let’s say you spend $200 a month trying to improve your mixing skills. That’s $2,400 a year with no real improvement on your overall mixing skills and techniques. And the amount you spend usually tends to increase overtime until the goal of improving your mixing skills is met.
To give you an idea of what this goal looks like...
I haven’t purchased more than 1 plugin a year in 3 years. The necessity isn’t more tools, it’s learning how to use them in a proven system. Then, you can earn money from your mixing skills instead of spending it.
The same vocal mixing process used for Chris Stapleton and Taylor Swift
I personally know the struggles of putting time and money into mixing education. I paid the ultimate price of going to college for a degree in mix engineering. And I know the disappointment you feel when you find out something is not what you expected, and I know the gut wrenching feeling when you’ve spent a lot of money on that disappointment with no positive outcome.
I was desperate to find a solution, so I decided to take the analog mixing process that was being done in commercial studios by Grammy award winning mix engineers and adapt that workflow to work completely inside of a DAW.
The magic of this template comes from the pre-calibrated parallel compression buses, that turns mixing on autopilot, along with the lead vocal parallel processing. There is NO other template like it.
As a result, this system that I now call The Modern Mix template system, allowed me to mix professional sounding mixes that got the attention of more and more artist-client records.
This opened the door to so many opportunities.
Since creating this mixing template system, I have received sync placement opportunities, endorsements, affiliations, and features in audio publications. I was even nominated for a Tennessee Music Award. All because my mixes sounded like the songs that get played on the radio today. More importantly, I’m able to make a living doing what I always wanted to do.

Adapting PRO analog mixing techniques to work inside ANY DAW!
Once I knew I had designed a proven system for mixing amazing sounding music, I wanted to share it with everyone who wanted the same amazing results I was getting. Not only has it worked for me, it has worked for both beginners and seasoned professionals!
That's why I’m offering my MIXING TEMPLATES for sale today.
I know mixing is the one area of music creation that most people struggle with and I want to take you from where you are now to where you want to be… mixing professional sounding music no matter what genre you’re working with, basically on autopilot!
I've strategically designed this mixing template to transform your mixes into professional radio ready songs and I've adapted it to work in several different DAWs.
The Modern Mix - Template Mixing System
These Premium Templates will help you create the sound you want:
Solid Gain Staging
Your audio will come through at proper levels to insure the plugins perform at optimal levels .
Parallel Processing
Working with Pre-Calibrated Parallel processing tracks allows you to mix like the pros and produce killer results.
PRO Sounding Vocals
3 parallel processing tracks that every lead vocal needs to produce amazing sounding vocals EVERYTIME, no matter the style or genre.
A Mix Bus You Can Trust
Know that you can expect to elevate your mixes every time when you use these templates.
Each template comes with its own unique routing system. This routing system is based off of compilation award winning engineers and producers, that I have adapted to work completely inside your DAW.
What's included:
Special drum routing to specific pre-calibrated parallel compression tracks
How to rout lead vocals to the 3 unique processing tracks
How to route all instruments to their designed buses and groups
How to route each instrument track the pre-calibrated the Music Bus
You're at the point of decision. Are your ready?
You can either continue down the path of least resistance, the path you’ve already been traveling on OR you can choose the road less traveled. The path you’ve been traveling on will probably result in you getting the same outcomes you’ve always received.
BUT if you want something to happen, if you want to change the direction of your musical journey, you’re going to have to do something different.
Make a new choice and pursue your new outcome!
Anyone can learn to mix professional sounding vocals using This template mixing system. I've shown you the proof that it works for me, for others, and it will work for you too!
Click on the template for the DAW you use, fill out out the order form, and I will immediately send you your new mixing template. You'll never want to mix without it again!
P.S. The time is now. Those big plugin companies and professional youtubers are going to keep taking from you till you've got nothing else to give. Do you have the courage to fight back?
Your chance to make all your dreams come true has arrived. Will you go for it? Will you take action?
Click On Your Template Here!
All sales are final for digital products. No refunds.